Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hailey - 5 months

It's hard to believe that she is 5 months old already. She is such a happy baby. She loves to watch Maggie and Jackson and she especially loves it when they play with her. It will be a lot of fun to see her interact as she gets more mobile. She really wants to be on the go already. She can scoot backwards on her belly and turn circles on the floor. She is also trying to get up on her hands and knees a little. Look out world! Now we have to get back to a baby proof stage again. She is starting to be really interested in toys and enjoyes hanging out in her exersaucer.

She is sticking her tongue out because she is getting teeth. Her two bottom teeth are coming in already. One has broken through and the other is right on the verge - so she is constantly feeling them her tongue.
I didn't have a picture of it right now but Hailey loves to suck her thumb. It's very cute. I will get one posted soon. We are still hoping to convince her that a pacifier is better but she really loves that thumb and I must say that there are times (such as the middle of the night) when she finds her own thumb and we don't have to find the pacifier, that I love it too! :)

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1 comment:

Chanda said...

Oh, she is so cute! love those chubby cheeks. Sounds like she is moving really good. Kiana moves herself forward and rolls over but lately she puts her feet and arms up when she is on her tummy like she is flying or something.