Jackson turned 9 on the 18th. Somehow I really didn't take very many pics...... that kind of makes me sad. He is such a happy guy when it comes to birthdays :) He loves everything about them. We were planning a friend party this year so his day at home was pretty low key. We had strawberry shortcake for breakfast with candles in it (thought I had a pic of that.....) then he opened the presents we gave him. He was so excited about his nerf bow/arrow. It had also snowed the night before so school was cancelled. He thought that was a pretty awesome birthday present! We had his party the following Saturday. We invited his whole class so we had it at our church building. We invited them a little last minute though so not many could make it. Jackson still had a great time though. I was so worried about having everything ready for the party that I forgot my camera! I did take a picture of his cake with my phone so I will have to add that eventually. It was a Pokeball since he had a Pokemon themed party.
Jackson is an awesome kid and we are so happy to have him as a part of our family. He is creative, energetic, daring, caring, fun loving, adveturesome and smart!