Saturday, October 15, 2011



It rained for almost all of September. We have had more rain in October but every once in awhile.... a beautiful day is thrown in. While I can't say there are as many mild and beautiful fall days like we had in the West - there is some incredibly beautiful weather here too. Just much less frequent. So we take advantage of those nice days and play outside. See Caleb in full - Hailey is in MY SWING mode - ?? He's learning how to hold his own with his siblings already. They are all getting big so fast. I'm glad to have this blog to document where all that time goes because it's gone before I even remember it happened.
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Halloween is coming....


The kids (especially Maggie) have been anxious to decorate for something/anything. So they were excited when I told them we could decorate for Halloween on Oct. 1 :) We made these painted jars and put flamless candles in them. They are pretty cool at night. We have some other simple decorations that we put up also. I will put up some pics of those soon - maybe. It was fun to decorate and the kids loved it. However, Hailey has been wanting to go 'ask people for candy' ever since!!
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Moustache mania


Who can resist a good moustache? :)I found some at the dollar store and it always provides a little fun. This all started because we were on our way to princess night at Chik Fil A and I asked Jackson if he wanted to wear a costume...... the final decision. No. But it was fun to play with the moustaches for a little while.
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Dirt. Water. Boy.




Caleb is a lot like Jackson was..... some dirt + water + rocks = little boy heaven. This little dude loves to get messy. And it's so cute that I usually let him...... sometimes I regret it when I have mounds of laundry and lots of baths to do but for the most part I love it.
He's also showing off his newest trick. He's learned how to lay on the swing on his belly so he can "superman swing". He likes the indepence it gives him to play with the swings.
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Construction continues....




Just in case you have missed the latest in construction fashion..... Hailey is here to model some current options...... The kids love to help Matt out with the jobs but they have to wear shoes and eye protection. Apparently we might to need to update those requirements a little. She was so funny out there swinging her little sledge hammer to help smash rocks in her swimming suit! Jackson loves to get into the smashing too. Maggie will from time to time but it's not as high on her fun list. :)
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To get out of the house one day Caleb and Hailey and I walked down to a little creek nearby. They had a blast throwing rocks in. Hailey loved walking in the water a little. It was pretty fun. However on the walk home a neighbor told us that there have been a lot of Copperhead snakes around and they like it down by the creek. Yikes. Guess we won't be doing that again!!
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Little blonde Hailey with pigtails. Somewhere there is a kid picture of me with similiar pigtails. If I find it I will have to add it to this post.
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We went to an outdoor adcventure type activity and they had a painting area. There were large plywood animals stuck in the ground and the kids just painted the same animals over and over. They thought it was great - as did all the other kids running around. Caleb tried too but he kept itching mosquito bites and smearing paint all over his head...... at least it washed off easily.
They also did a scavenger hunt where they found things in nature to match different colors - red, green, brown, orange.... easy and simple. My two favorite words :)
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