Friday, November 21, 2008

Trampoline tricks

We have had beautiful fall days recently so I have been trying to get the kids outside a lot. It works fine if I go with them.....
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Finally a finished treehouse! Matt finished this a few weeks ago. It's nice to not have to worry about kids climbing up there and falling through rotting boards. What a great husband and Dad. I think he's a keeper!
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More Hailey

I know there are a lot of pictures of Hailey - for a few reasons - she can't run away from the camera yet and she is constantly changing. I will keep working on the others.....
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Monday, November 17, 2008

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

About a week ago Hailey started to work really hard at rolling over. Now she has it down pat. I was amazed that she started doing this now - she is only 3 1/2 months - the other two didn't roll so early. Just goes to show how different each one can be and how fast they grow up!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Maggie gets a haircut

The first picture was that morning before she got it cut. She was so good the entire time. She just sat and watched in the mirror as the lady cut her hair- although I think it helps that our neighbor has a hair salon in her house and works from home (and is also the mom of one of Jackson's friends...) so Maggie knows her fairly well. Still, she is so different from Jackson who wiggles and whines that it tickles his neck..... I expected her to be terrible - she is 2, and acts like it :) most of the time.
It is a lot easier to brush her hair now and it doesn't have to have a clip of some sort in it all the time to keep it out of her face. She wants to get her hair cut again.

Also surprising - we took her to the dentist the other day for a checkup - and she was great. She lay right down on the chair and let them clean and look at her teeth. No complaints at all. Huh. I thought it would be a battle. Shows what I know!

Saturday, November 8, 2008


These two crack me up. It started hailing the other day and Jackson was standing at the window watching in bounce off the trampoline. I asked why he didn't go out and play in it. He was concerned about it hurting his head...... so I suggested he wear his latest helmet. "Great idea, Mom" he responded and suited up.
Maggie followed right along and needed a helmet too.
They played out in the hail for quite awhile. I can't believe winter is upon us already. It seems like yesterday it was 100 degrees and I was pregnant!!


Hailey is such a happy baby. She makes us smile and laugh everyday. I can't believe that having a 3rd is just as exciting as the first two. I thought it might get old..... but each one is so incredibly different! I can't wait to watch Hailey grow and change.

Monday, November 3, 2008


With some of the neighbor kids.

Aren't they all cute? I think costumes are a lot of fun.

Masks aren't allowed at the church parties so we added some facepaint. Jackson thought it was great.