Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mark and Amy visit!

The other kids were running around with helmets on..... as soon as he could get ahold of one Mark wanted to put it on too.

Playing with the toy kitchen.
It was a lot of fun to have Mark and Amy visit us for a few days (I went to school in Kettle Falls with Amy). Mark knows quite a bit of sign language - it was cute to see him sign baby everytime he saw Hailey. He also loved the trampoline and wanted to spend all of his time jumping.
It's so fun to see your friends have kids and watch them grow up. I am excited to see some more friends this weekend as I go to WA.


Maggie loves to play with legos (Jackson's all time favorite toy) - but she plays with them a little differently....... her favorite part is the little lego guys. She loves to change their hats, hair, faces,'s very funny to see her playing with them like you would dolls. They actually have quite a few accessories you can change!
The red mark on her chin is from a sidewalk crash. She has had a number of those lately.

Jackson showing off his strong man muscles. He is very much into superheroes etc right now. It has been Jango Fett for awhile but the other night Matt showed him a few scenes from Ironman and now that has been his latest obsession. People at church have a hard time keeping up because he always introduces himself as whatever obsession he has at the moment.


Hailey having some tummy time. She really doesn't mind it as long as she isn't tired. She likes to watch Maggie and Jackson play with toys in front of her. It won't be long before she is into everything!!

She pushes with her toes alot and sometimes manages to get onto her knees a little. But when the bum goes up the head goes down...... so I'm sure it doesn't mean she will take off on us anytime soon but it's fun to watch her try!

Hailey found her thumb the other day - it was very cute. As soon as she started sucking on it she almost fell asleep! She is still an easy going, happy baby. She loves to smile and "talk" to us. At her two month well child check she weighed 12 lbs 8 oz and was 24 1/2" long.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Snow Day

Can you believe that we've gotten the first snowfall of the winter already?! We got about an inch in 1 1/2 hours. So of course the kids wanted to play in it.

We looked out after the kids had been playing a little while and Jackson had managed to make this huge snowman ball all by himself!!

This is our snowman. Jackson dubbed him 'snowy'.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One tired kiddo!

Maggie has started to drop her nap - she's not even 2 1/2!! I don't know what she's thinking. I try to get her down for one but it's happening less and less that she actually goes to sleep. So one day at dinner (yes, pancakes for dinner) she pushed her plate away and laid her head down. This happens so rarely with our kids - that they fall asleep at random - we were all amazed. We told Jackson that Maggie fell asleep and he goes around where he can see her face and just stares - as if he's trying to figure out if she is kidding. He stared for quite awhile before Matt took her up to bed.

Costume parade

A pirate says "Arr!" It's way too big for her but she wanted to be a pirate that day so.....
Hailey as a giraffe.
Hailey as a ladybug.
Jackson as Jango Fett (Star Wars character)

The kids love costumes and October is always fun as we try to decide what everyone will be for Halloween. They love to try on different things as the month goes by - we have quite a well stocked costume box (thanks, Gram :) ). So who knows what they will actually be when Halloween comes around. Jackson wore the Jango Fett for days on end when he got it but now isn't quite so interested....... and after we made guns from toilet paper rolls and a gun belt from duck tape too!

Rainy Day Fun

This last weekend was very rainy - which for Utah is quite rare! The kids loved it - any excuse to break out umbrellas and rain boots.