Sunday, September 29, 2013

In the swimming pool

With a swimming pool here at our apartment complex there was whole lot of this going on. All of the kids love water and have no fear. Maggie has the greatest respect for it bu tit doesn't slow her down. She loves learning swimming strokes and practicing. Hailey wants to swim but can't quite get it yet (at the end of the summer she was doing really, really well and would go without her lifejacket almost all the time). Our kids wear lifejackets not because they are afraid but because I am - of them drowing in their fearlessness. I can handle one dare devil at a time :) so Hailey and Caleb would trade off who had their lifejacket on. With Hailey getting to be  stronger swimmer we let Caleb have his lifejacket off more also and he was started to swim some on his own too...... next summer should be pretty fun :)
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