Sunday, October 10, 2010

Maggie starts PreK!!


I can't believe it took me so long to get this one on here. Maggie started PreK on Sept 7th. She was on the waiting list for a long time because PreK is offered in the public schools here on a needs based scale. So she didn't make it in on the first round but they had so many extra kids register this year that they eventually opened up another class. She was very excited. She goes part day, everyday. So far she has really enjoyed it. They just finished going through some of the colors. The teacher asked them to dress in the right color for each day. Maggie loved that. I should have taken pictures of some of her outfits. :) I guess the teacher was going to take pictures for a color book so maybe I will get some that way. She takes a lunch with her to school and eats as soon as she gets there. She can be a bit of a picky eater so sometimes it's a trial to pack things she will eat. I have to take her in to school but she comes home on the bus with Jackson. That sounds nicer than it is..... I still have to walk down to the bus stop to meet them which mean waking Hailey and Caleb up from naps and getting out the door in time.
I'm glad that she is going. She loves the learning and the other kids. Her classroom also has a number of activities for them to do during playtime.... like housekeeping, tools, blocks....... So far we are pretty happy with the school here.
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