Thursday, September 16, 2010

Daddy Daughter Date


Chic Fil A does a theme activity fairly often for the whole family. Recently they did a special theme day called Daddy Daughter Date. So Matt and Maggie went on a date. We decided that we are going to try to spend a little more individual time with the older two. The little ones get plenty of attention - they are quite good at demanding it but the older two are expected to handle their frustrations...... but they are still little so it's hard for them. So we thought if we spent a little more time with them it might make it all more manageable. I have found that they can be quite different kiddos when you have them out alone than when they are playin/fighting in a group. It's been fun. I hope we keep it up. They really do grow up so fast and I'd like to make more individual memories for them and for me.
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