Sunday, November 15, 2009


Matt is off to Fl again so I am holding down the fort. Unfortunately I am not feeling well and it's not going away anytime soon..... we are having another baby!! I am excited about the baby but even more excited to get out of the first trimester so I can start feeling better. Anyway, that should explain why I am so behind on this blog...... I will catch up some time,


Marissa said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting but you get so awfully sick. When are you due?
Have you tried Unisom and B6?

P.S. I am expecting too, but I haven't made an official announcement yet. I am hoping to wait till 16 weeks when we are having a gender ultrasound. :) So I am being hush hush for a few more weeks. I am due June 1st.
I have been taking the Unisom and B6 together every night and have been amazed at how much better I have felt.

Chanda said...

Lady,Congratulations!! Too bad you are feeling yucky. That is no fun. I hope it goes away for you soon. #4 on the way, are the kids excited? I actually almost look forward to getting my period every month cause it brings me sweet relief that I am not pregnant. At this point, with Kiana being almost 16 mon., I would have been pregnant for a few months already. If I was following my usual pattern. Wish we lived closer so I could help you with the kiddos. Just take it easy and don't worry about things that don't really matter.

Mary Monster Mary said...

That's wonderful! Sorry you're feeling crumby, I don't miss that part but fortunately it ends well with a cute baby. :)