Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Preschool Graduation

I can't believe that Jackson is heading to Kindergarten in the fall. The years are starting to go by faster and faster. I know that the kids are still young but to have a 5 yr old - wow! He has grown up a lot in the past year. He is starting to read, writes fairly well, loves to draw and can build amazing things with legos. He loves his sisters (most of the time), loves to play with the neighborhood boys, wants to learn to ride a bike by himself, absolutely loves to be the center of attention and also loves to give us hugs and kisses especially if he knows he's done something he shouldn't......
The kids love the preschool graduation - which is really just a mini carnival - with a little graduation flair. They get to cross the stage and collect their "diplomas". They do it every year whether the kids are actually going on to school or not.
So, those of you with school age kids, what should I prepare myself for? :)
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